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Case Study

Core shifting analysis of a coolbox external part

The box shown above is a double-walled isolation box. The part could not be correctly filled, as a large hole apeared on both sides of the box.

Two phases of analysis were made.

Phase 1 was Moldflow analysis to review the flow pattern and the pressure in the internal side of the mold wall.

To the right, 1/4 of the part filling is shown.

The filling pressure was calculated and applied during the 2nd phase of the analysis.

Phase 2 was a stress analysis on the geometry of the mold core and the pressure calculated during plastic flow was applied on the mold wall.


To the left, a deformation can be seen. The maximum deformation is 2 mm—the same thickness of the plastic wall.

The solution in this case was changing the gate location, since the formation of support holes was not aesthetically acceptable.

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